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Veneers vs. Crowns: Which Option is Right for You?

Choosing between porcelain veneers and dental crowns can be a confusing decision for those seeking a smile makeover. 

Both procedures are valuable cosmetic dentistry options, but they address different concerns. Understanding their applications, advantages, and procedures will help you determine which treatment is best for your unique needs.

Dental Veneers vs. Dental Crowns

The primary distinction between veneers and crowns lies in their coverage area. Veneers are thin, custom-made shells designed to bond to the front surface of your teeth. They are ideal for purely cosmetic improvements. 

In contrast, dental crowns encompass the entire tooth structure, restoring its strength and aesthetics. 

Uses for Porcelain Veneers

Porcelain veneers are a popular choice for addressing various cosmetic dental concerns, including, Porcelain veneers are versatile cosmetic dental solutions with various applications. 

They can effectively address issues such as:

  • Chipped or cracked teeth
  • Gaps between teeth
  • Minor misalignment issues
  • Uneven or worn tooth enamel 
  • Stained or discolored teeth that whitening treatments cannot address

Advantages of Dental Crowns

Dental crowns offer a broader range of benefits encompassing both cosmetic and functional improvements:

  • Restoration of severely damaged, cracked, or broken teeth
  • Protection and reinforcement for teeth that have undergone root canal treatment
  • Structural reinforcement for weak or fractured teeth
  • Improved bite function and chewing ability
  • Crowns can also serve as anchors for dental bridges, replacing missing teeth

Procedure for Veneers vs. Crowns

The placement procedure for veneers and crowns differs due to their varying levels of coverage.

Veneer Placement

Generally a minimally invasive procedure. A thin layer of enamel is removed from the tooth surface to accommodate the veneer’s thickness. Impressions are then taken to create custom-made veneers. Temporary veneers are placed until your permanent veneers are ready for bonding with a special adhesive.

Crown Placement

Requires more extensive tooth preparation. A larger portion of the tooth enamel is removed to create a solid foundation for the crown. A temporary crown is worn while a permanent crown, crafted from porcelain or metal alloys in a dental lab, is created. The final crown is then permanently cemented onto your tooth.

The Pros and Cons of Veneers and Crowns

Advantages of Veneers:

Cosmetic enhancement: Veneers effectively conceal imperfections like stains, chips, and gaps, improving the overall appearance of teeth.

Minimal tooth alteration: Compared to crowns, veneers require less enamel removal during the preparation process, preserving more natural tooth structure.

Quick procedure: Veneers can typically be applied in just a few visits to the dentist, offering a relatively swift path to a transformed smile.

Disadvantages of Veneers:

Fragility: While durable, veneers are more susceptible to chipping or cracking compared to crowns, particularly if subjected to excessive force or impact.

Irreversible process: Enamel removal is necessary for veneer placement, making the procedure irreversible and potentially limiting future treatment options.

Limited functionality: Veneers primarily address cosmetic concerns and may not provide the same level of strength or protection as crowns for structurally compromised teeth.

Advantages of Crowns:

Enhanced durability: Crowns provide robust coverage and protection for weakened or damaged teeth, offering long-term stability and resilience.

Versatility: Crowns can be used for both cosmetic enhancement and functional restoration, making them suitable for a wide range of dental issues.

Comprehensive coverage: Unlike veneers, crowns encase the entire visible portion of the tooth, offering superior strength and support.

Disadvantages of Crowns:

Extensive tooth alteration: The preparation for crowns involves more significant enamel removal compared to veneers, which may weaken the tooth structure.

Longer procedure: Crown placement typically requires multiple dental visits and laboratory fabrication time, extending the treatment timeline.

Higher cost: Crowns are generally more expensive than veneers due to the additional materials and labor involved in their fabrication and placement.

Can Crowns and Veneers Be Combined?

Absolutely! Combining veneers and crowns is a viable option for patients who require a comprehensive smile makeover. 

Veneers can address cosmetic concerns for your front teeth, while crowns can restore and reinforce structurally compromised teeth in the back of your mouth that endure greater chewing pressure.

Crown vs. Veneer Longevity

Dental crowns generally offer greater longevity compared to veneers, lasting up to 15 years or even longer with proper care. 

Veneers, due to their thinner profile, may chip or require replacement after 7-10 years.

Smile Enhancement Choices

A consultation with a qualified cosmetic dentist is essential for determining the most suitable treatment option for your smile goals. 

They will assess your individual needs, desired outcomes, and tooth health to recommend either veneers, crowns, or potentially a combination of both procedures.

Crown vs. Veneer Cost

The cost of veneers and crowns can vary depending on factors like the number of teeth involved, material used, and geographic location. 

Generally, crowns are more expensive due to the increased material and lab work required.

Veneer Placement Process

The veneer placement process typically involves multiple appointments. During the initial consultation, your dentist will discuss your concerns and examine your teeth. 

If veneers are deemed suitable, they will slightly reshape the tooth surface and take impressions to create custom-made veneers. Temporary veneers may be placed to protect your teeth while your permanent veneers are crafted. 

Once ready, your dentist will permanently bond the veneers to your teeth, ensuring a natural and aesthetically pleasing look.

Now Book Your Consultation Call at G4 By Golpa Dental Implants

Don’t hesitate to schedule a consultation with a cosmetic dentist to discuss your smile enhancement options. 

A qualified dentist can provide expert guidance on whether veneers, crowns, or a combination of both would be the most effective approach to achieving your desired results.

Confused about crowns vs. veneers?

Book your consultation with G4 by Golpa for expert guidance today! We have advanced facilities in Las Vegas, Dallas and Tysons that will give you excellent dental treatment.

What to Expect During and After Dental Implant Surgery 

Dental implant surgery is an excellent treatment that will help you replace tooth roots with screw-like, metal posts. The procedure will also replace missing or damaged teeth with artificial teeth that function and look much like natural ones. 

The surgery is considered a great alternative to bridgework or dentures that do not fit well. It is also a good option when building dentures or bridgework tooth replacements is not possible due to a lack of tooth roots. 

Many people who plan for such treatment, generally do not have an in-depth understanding of what to expect during and after the implant surgery process. This knowledge is very important to ensure you have a quick recovery and that your implants last longer.

Read on to know about what to expect during and after dental implant surgery. 

Dental Implant Surgery: What to Expect, Start to Finish

Dental implant surgery begins with a comprehensive examination, including X-rays and scans, to assess bone density and oral health. The dentists will also explain the surgical procedure details.

Before the surgery, the dentist will give anesthesia to ensure the comfort of the patient. Then, a small incision is made in the gum to expose the jawbone, where the implant will be placed.

The dentist drills a hole into the bone with the help of specialized instruments, and carefully inserts the implant screw.

Following implant placement, the gums are stitched back into place, and a temporary crown could be attached for aesthetics and functionality. 

Over the next few months, osseointegration occurs as the implant fuses with the jawbone, providing a sturdy foundation for the final restoration.

Once the implant has fully integrated, the patient returns for the placement of the permanent crown or prosthetic tooth. This custom-made restoration is designed to match the shape, size, and color of the natural teeth for a seamless smile.

Throughout the process, patients can expect thorough guidance and support from their dental team, ensuring a smooth and successful outcome. 

With proper care and maintenance, dental implants offer a long-lasting solution for missing teeth, restoring both function and confidence to the smile.

Is Bone Grafting Required in Dental Implant Surgery?

In some cases, people need bone grafting for implants to ensure the success of the procedure. Bone grafting becomes necessary when the jawbone lacks sufficient density or volume to support the implant effectively. This condition can result from tooth loss, periodontal disease, trauma, or natural bone resorption over time.

During the initial consultation, your dentist will evaluate the condition of your jawbone through X-rays and scans. If inadequate bone structure is identified, bone grafting may be recommended to augment the area before implant placement.

The bone grafting procedure involves adding bone material to the deficient area of the jaw. This can be sourced from various places, such as your own body (autograft), a donor (allograft), or synthetic materials (alloplast). The graft material stimulates new bone growth, creating a stronger foundation for the implant.

After the bone graft is placed, a healing period is necessary to allow for proper integration with the existing bone. This typically takes several months, during which osseointegration occurs. Once the jawbone has sufficiently healed and gained density, the tooth implant surgery can proceed.

While bone grafting adds complexity and time to the implant process, it is crucial for ensuring the long-term success and stability of the implants. Your dental team will guide you through each step of the process, ensuring that your implant journey is smooth and successful.

How To Prepare for Your Dental Implant Surgery 

Pre-surgery preparations for dental implant involve several important steps to ensure a smooth and successful procedure. 

Firstly, follow any pre-surgery instructions provided by your dentist, which may include fasting if anesthesia will be used. Inform your dentist about any medications you are taking, as they may need to be adjusted before the surgery.

Attend all pre-surgical appointments for evaluations and discussions about the procedure. Make arrangements for transportation to and from the appointment if you will be receiving anesthesia. It’s also essential to maintain good oral hygiene leading up to the surgery by brushing and flossing regularly to reduce the risk of infection.

Lastly, mentally prepare yourself by asking any questions you have about the procedure and discussing any concerns with your dental team. 

Recovering After Your Dental Implant Surgery 

Recovering after dental implant surgery is a crucial phase that requires careful attention to ensure proper healing and successful integration of the implants.

Immediately after the procedure, it’s common to experience some discomfort, swelling, and minor bleeding. Your dentist may prescribe pain medication or recommend over-the-counter pain relievers to manage discomfort.

To facilitate healing and minimize complications, follow your dentist’s post-operative instructions diligently. This typically includes:

#1. Managing Discomfort

Use ice packs and prescribed pain medication as directed to alleviate swelling and discomfort. 

#2. Maintaining Oral Hygiene

Rinse with a prescribed mouthwash to keep the surgical area clean. Avoid vigorous rinsing or touching the implant site with your tongue or fingers.

#3. Dietary Modifications

Stick to soft foods and liquids initially to avoid putting undue pressure on the implants. Gradually reintroduce solid foods as tolerated.

#4. Avoiding Smoking and Alcohol

Refrain from smoking and consuming alcohol during the healing period, as they can impede the healing process and increase the risk of complications.

#5. Attending Follow-up Appointments

Attend all scheduled follow-up appointments with your dentist to monitor healing progress and address any concerns promptly.

Important Tips for Long-Term Implant Care 

Proper long-term care is essential for maintaining the health and longevity of dental implants. Here are some important tips to ensure the success of your implants for years to come:

Tip 1. Maintain Excellent Oral Hygiene

Brush your teeth at least twice a day and floss daily to remove plaque and prevent gum disease. Use a soft-bristled toothbrush and non-abrasive toothpaste to avoid damaging the implant or surrounding tissues.

Tip 2. Attend Regular Dental Check-ups

Schedule routine dental appointments for professional cleanings and examinations. Your dentist will monitor the health of your implants and address any issues before they escalate. It will play a key role in long-term implant maintenance.

Tip 3. Avoid Hard Foods and Habits

Refrain from chewing on hard objects such as ice, pens, or fingernails, as this can put excessive pressure on the implants and potentially lead to damage. Similarly, avoid habits like teeth grinding by using a mouthguard if necessary.

Tip 4. Quit Smoking

Smoking can compromise the success of dental implants by impairing healing and increasing the risk of implant failure. If you smoke, consider quitting to improve the longevity of your implants. It will minimize the chance of implant surgery complications.

Tip 5. Protect Implants During Physical Activity

 If you participate in contact sports or activities that pose a risk of facial injury, wear a mouthguard to protect your implants from trauma.

Tip 6. Monitor Changes and Seek Prompt Treatment

Pay attention to any signs of discomfort, swelling, or changes in the appearance of your implants. If you notice any issues, contact your dentist immediately for evaluation and treatment.

Get Safe Dental Implant Surgery Near You 

Dental implant surgery is an excellent and safe way to replace damaged or broken teeth from the roots. 

All you need to do is keep the aforementioned information in mind and contact a reliable dental clinic near you. Are you ready for seamless dental implant surgery and long-term care

Then schedule your consultation with G4 by Golpa for expert guidance today! Our exceptional facilities in Las Vegas, Dallas and Tysons are known for offering the best possible dental treatments.

Dental Implant Aftercare Tips for Long-Term Results

A dental implant is considered an innovative solution for people who want to regain the full functionality of their teeth and restore their fantastic smiles

Implants are an excellent solution for damaged and missing teeth, but you need to follow implant care instructions after the procedure to achieve long-lasting implant results.

Whether you are planning a dental implant operation or have already had one, it is crucial to understand the importance of dental implant aftercare. 

Besides the after-care tips, you also need to know about different types of dental implants, pre-procedure care, and possible complications of dental implants. 

All this information will help you take care of your implants in the best possible manner.

Read on to learn more about dental implant aftercare and how you can get long-term results.

Different Types of Dental Implants

Here are the different types of dental implants.

#1- Endosteal Implants

These are the most commonly used types of dental implants. Endosteal implants are implanted directly into your jawbone with the help of surgery. They are typically made of titanium and resemble small screws or cylinders. Once the implant is placed, the surrounding bone heals around it, providing a sturdy foundation for a replacement tooth or teeth.

#2 – Subperiosteal Implants

These implants are installed on top of your jawbone, below the gum tissue. Instead of being inserted into the bone, they rest on a metal framework that is positioned on the jawbone. Such implants are often used for patients who have a shallow jawbone and are not candidates for traditional endosteal implants.

#3 – Zygomatic Implants

These implants are used when the patient does not have enough bone in the upper jaw for supporting the traditional implants. Zygomatic implants are anchored in the cheekbone rather than the jawbone. This technique provides a viable solution for patients who would otherwise require bone grafting procedures to build up the bone in their upper jaw.

#4 – All-on-4 Implants

All-on-4 implants offer a comprehensive solution for patients who are missing a full arch of teeth. This technique involves placing just four implants in strategic positions along the jawbone to support a full set of replacement teeth. All-on-4 implants offer the advantage of reduced surgical time and cost compared to traditional implant-supported dentures.

#5 – Mini Implants

Mini implants are smaller in diameter compared to standard implants and are often used in cases where there is limited space or bone density. They are a less invasive alternative to traditional implants and can be used to support single crowns, bridges, or dentures.

Pre-Procedure Care for Dental Implants

Here are some important steps and considerations for pre-procedure care:

Step 1 – Oral Health Assessment

Before undergoing dental implant surgery, it’s essential for patients to undergo a comprehensive oral health assessment. This evaluation typically includes a thorough examination of the teeth, gums, and jawbone to identify any underlying issues that may affect the success of the implants, such as gum disease or bone loss.

Step 2 – Dental Cleaning

It’s important for patients to have their teeth professionally cleaned before undergoing dental implant surgery. This helps remove any plaque and tartar buildup, reducing the risk of infection following the procedure.

Step 3 – Medical History Review

Patients should provide their dentist or oral surgeon with a detailed medical history, including any underlying health conditions, medications, and allergies. Certain medical conditions or medications may affect the healing process and require special precautions or modifications to the treatment plan.

Step 4 – Medication Management

Patients may be advised to adjust their medication regimen before dental implant surgery, particularly if they are taking blood thinners or medications that may interfere with the healing process. It’s essential to follow the dentist or oral surgeon’s recommendations regarding medication management to minimize the risk of complications.

Step 5 – Nutritional Considerations

A balanced diet rich in vitamins and minerals is essential for promoting optimal healing after dental implant surgery. Patients may be advised to increase their intake of nutrient-dense foods, such as fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains, leading up to the procedure.

Post-Procedure Care for Dental Implants

Here are some essential dental implant aftercare that you must follow:

#1 – Oral Hygiene

Maintaining oral hygiene post-implant is essential for preventing infection and promoting healing after dental implant surgery. Patients should gently brush their teeth and implants with a soft-bristled toothbrush and non-abrasive toothpaste at least twice a day. They should also use antimicrobial mouthwash as recommended by their dentist to reduce the risk of infection.

#2 – Avoiding Pressure

Patients should avoid putting unnecessary pressure on the surgical site to prevent disruption of the healing process. This includes avoiding chewing on the side of the mouth where the implants were placed and refraining from eating hard or crunchy foods that could potentially damage the implants.

#3 – Pain Management

Some swelling and discomfort are possible after dental implant surgery. Patients can manage pain and swelling by taking over-the-counter pain relievers as recommended by their dentist and applying ice packs to the affected area for short intervals during the first 48 hours after surgery. It is an essential implant recovery tip that you should keep in mind.

#4 – Dietary Restrictions

One of the most vital dental implant aftercare tips is to follow a soft or liquid diet to avoid putting excessive strain on the surgical site. They should gradually reintroduce solid foods as tolerated, starting with softer options and avoiding foods that are overly hot, spicy, or acidic.

#5 – Avoiding Smoking and Alcohol

Smoking and alcohol consumption can delay the dental implant healing process and increase the risk of complications after dental implant surgery. Patients should refrain from smoking and limit alcohol consumption during the healing period to promote optimal recovery.

#6 – Follow-up Appointments

Patients should attend all scheduled follow-up appointments with their dentist or oral surgeon for dental implant maintenance. The professionals will monitor the healing progress and ensure that the implants are integrating properly into the jawbone. Any concerns or complications should be promptly addressed during these appointments.

Possible Complications of Dental Implants

Here are some possible complications associated with dental implants:

#1 – Infection

Infection at the surgical site is one of the most common complications of dental implant surgery. Symptoms of infection may include swelling, pain, redness, and discharge from the implant site. Prompt treatment with antibiotics and right implant cleaning techniques is necessary to control the infection and prevent it from spreading.

#2 – Implant Failure

Despite advancements in dental implant technology, implant failure can occur in some cases. Implant failure may result from factors such as poor osseointegration (fusion of the implant with the jawbone), inadequate bone density or quality, or excessive forces placed on the implant during healing. Professionals can help in preventing implant complications.

#3 – Nerve Damage

During dental implant surgery, there is a risk of damaging nearby nerves, such as the inferior alveolar nerve in the lower jaw or the infraorbital nerve in the upper jaw. Nerve damage can result in numbness, tingling, or altered sensation in the lips, cheeks, or tongue.

#4 – Allergic Reactions

While rare, some individuals may experience allergic reactions to the materials used in dental implants, such as titanium or certain metals. Allergic reactions can manifest as swelling, redness, itching, or rash at the implant site.

#5 – Mechanical Complications

Mechanical complications such as implant fracture, screw loosening, or prosthetic component failure may occur over time due to factors like excessive biting forces, poor implant positioning, or material fatigue.

G4 By Golpa: Your Partner in Dental Implant Success

Dental implant treatment doesn’t have to be as challenging as it seems. 

All you need to do is get the implants from a reliable dental clinic and pay attention to the aftercare tips mentioned above. It will improve the longevity of dental implants and minimize the chances of any complications. 

Are you ready to ensure long-term success with your dental implants? 

Schedule your G4 by Golpa consultation today and secure your smile for years to come! We have advanced facilities in Las Vegas, Dallas, and Tysons that will give you excellent dental treatment.

All On 4 Dental Implants vs Traditional Implant-Supported Dentures

Dental implants have become a popular option for people who have one or more missing teeth and want to replace them. 

According to a report from the American Academy of Implant Dentistry, around 3 million people in the US have dental implants, and the number is expected to only increase from here.

But when it comes to dental implants, people often face the dilemma of whether to opt for All on four dental implants or go for traditional implant-supported dentures

If you are also confused about All on four vs. implant-supported overdentures, compare them on various parameters. Then only you can make the right decision.

Read on to compare All on four dental implants to traditional implant-supported dentures.

Understanding All-On-4 vs. Traditional Dental Implants

If you want to compare these two options, first you must have a basic understanding of them.

All on Four Dental Implants

All-on-4 dental implants are a method that uses four dental implants to support a lower arch or an upper arch of dentures within the mouth. To support both arches, a total of eight implants are used.

On the other hand, six or even more implants are needed for each arch when opting for traditional dental implants. Thus, most patients will require 12 or more traditional dental implants to support the upper and lower dentures.

Traditional Dental Implants

Traditional dental implants may also be used for replacing multiple teeth. Unlike All-on-four implants, they may also be used for replacing missing teeth of individuals.

Such implants could be paired with different kinds of restorations, which include dental bridges, dental crowns, and dentures, to replace a particular tooth, multiple teeth, or a complete set of teeth.

Comparative Analysis – All-On-4 vs. Traditional Dental Implants

When you want to compare All on four dental implants to traditional implant-supported dentures, it is important to consider the respective advantages and drawbacks of each option. 

Some vital aspects to consider are as follows:

Treatment timeline

The All on four techniques have a faster treatment timeline. The restoration is usually completed in only one day. On the other hand, traditional implant-supported dentures may require numerous months, including time for fabrication and healing of the denture.

Number of implants

All on four use four dental implants, but the traditional implant-supported dentures specifically need 5 to 8 implants for each arch. This difference generally impacts the overall cost of the treatment and the invasiveness of the process.

Stability and function

All on four dental implants, as well as traditional implant-supported dentures, give better function and stability compared to traditional dentures. However, each patient has a unique bone density, oral anatomy, and particular needs. That can influence the optimal choice.

Choosing between All on Four Implants and Traditional Dentures

Deciding between All on four and traditional implants depends on numerous factors like location, the number of teeth, and bone density. 

In some cases, All on four is perfect, while traditional implants are the solution in other situations. For example, a traditional implant is very useful if a single tooth is missing. 

On the other hand, All on four will serve you best if all the teeth of your upper or lower jaw are missing.

Common myths about Dental Implants

Here are some common myths about dental implants that you must consider.

Myth 1 – Implants last for only 10 Years

There are various types of teeth restorations that do not have a very long life span. They last around a decade. However, dental implants are an exceptional solution for dental restoration. Many studies have shown they can last for many decades.

Myth 2 – Implants feel fake and look unnatural

People believe that implants look and feel fake but that is not true. Dental implants look and feel like natural teeth. The titanium rod that is inserted directly into your jawbone, unites over time, just like the roots of a natural tooth.

Myth 3 – The recovery procedure take a lot of time

A dental implant requires time to integrate and heal completely with the jawbone but not as long as people usually think. This process specifically takes around three to six months.

Myth 4 – Eating or Talking with Dental Implants is Challenging

If you are not aware about All on Four vs. traditional implants success rate, then you must know that the success rate is extremely high.

As a matter of fact, implants are the only tooth replacement that is modeled after natural teeth. So, when you speak, smile, bite, or chew, you are replacing your missing teeth with something, that looks and feels like natural teeth.

Since the shape of implants are like a normal teeth, they do not cause problems while eating or speaking. That gives you the confidence you need to live your life to the fullest.

Comparing All on Four and Traditional Implants Costs

The All on four and traditional implants cost usually differs. 

If you decide to go with All on four, you will have to take care of a lower cost because this treatment needs fewer implants. typically ranges from $6,000 to $30,000 per arch. Learn more about All-on-4 dental implants cost.

But then, traditional dental implants usually need more implants for appropriate mouth reconstruction. That makes the overall price higher. A single dental implant in the US can cost between $1,500 to $6,000.

Choosing the Right Tooth Replacement Option with G4 by Golpa Dental Implants

Whether you should choose the All on four dental implants or traditional implants entirely depends on your specific requirements. 

All you need to do is keep in mind the information mentioned above and consult with the right professionals near you. Ready to choose the best tooth replacement option for you

Schedule your consultation with G4 by Golpa Dental Implants today! Get the right dental treatment and take your confidence to the next level.

Smile Makeover with Full Mouth Dental Implants

A full mouth dental implant is a safe surgical procedure used to place artificial teeth into the jawbone. This dental treatment comes in handy in various situations. 

Anyone suffering from gum disease, having severe and extensive tooth decay, or whose teeth are worn out because of chronic teeth grinding is likely to have loose and missing teeth. As a result, the person might need a full mouth dental implant.

If you do not have most or all of your teeth for some reason, you will require a complete set of artificial teeth to replace the missing ones. 

Teeth replacements are considered good if they stay in their respective places when you talk or even chew. They should look and function as close as possible to natural teeth. 

If you are planning a smile makeover with full mouth dental implants, it is essential to know everything about the treatment. It will help you make the right decision.

Read on to know more about full mouth dental implants.

Benefits of Full Mouth Dental Implants

There are several reasons that make full mouth dental implants a better choice and a more reliable procedure for complete tooth replacement.

#1. Preservation of Bone Structure

The tooth loss may lead to the loss of your jawbone strength, and with time, that can change the facial structure. The full mouth dental implants preserve the structure of the jawbone.

#2. Preservation of Adjacent Teeth

Dental implants save the wear and tear on adjacent natural teeth. They do not have to support the bite pressure of the artificial bridge and denture, which makes them weak.

#3. Parafunctional Habits

They are more durable than regular implants and are thus more suitable for people with parafunctional habits like clenching of teeth, which can take a toll on regular implants.

#4. Ideal for Individuals with High Caries Index

People with a high caries index often face cavity problems, leading to tooth damage. Full mouth dental implants are highly beneficial for such people.

#5. Higher Success Rate

Another benefit of full mouth restoration is its success rate. If you maintain oral hygiene properly, the full mouth dental implant can last up to 25 years.

#6. Natural-Looking

Full dental implants look just like natural teeth and people generally find it difficult to tell the difference.

#7. Ideal for Missing Multiple Teeth

It is perfect for people who have many teeth missing. The patient experiences much less discomfort and fewer visits than is required to replace every single tooth.

Eligibility and Candidacy for Full Mouth Dental Implants

You can get dental implants if you meet the following criteria:

Enough Healthy Gums

The dental implants replace tooth roots instead of the teeth. So, if your gums are good enough for the treatment, you have the eligibility for complete implants.

Adequate Jawbone

A jawbone that does not get any stimulation will likely degrade. It means complete jawbone loss over time. So, the candidate must have an adequate jawbone.


It may take several months for your bone to heal around the implant. So, you must have patience.

Willingness to Make Lifestyle Changes

Smoking and alcohol consumption greatly increase the risk of mouth ulcers, gum recession, and bone loss. If you have enough willpower to change your unhealthy lifestyle, you can opt for the treatment.

Procedure Expectations for Full Mouth Implants

  • Initial Consultation & X-rays

    The first thing you need to do is schedule a consultation with a seasoned and skilled oral health provider. Your dentist will discuss your goals and requirements, and perform a thorough oral exam to get a better understanding.

  • Preparation

    After a comprehensive dental exam & x-rays, your dentist may recommend some additional dental care, like certain medications, before the implant procedure. All the preparation will minimize the chances of bleeding during the procedure.

  • Full Mouth Dental Implant Placement

    In this step, the dentist makes a small incision in the gums to reach the underlying bone. After that, the professional will place an implant into the bone with the help of a dental drill. The process will be repeated several times.

  • Abutment Placement

    The professional will place an abutment on every implant to place a healing cap. The cap will protect the implant while your jawbone and gums heal around it. You may receive one healing cap with two openings or two healing caps, but it will be based on the type of implant.

  • Final Restoration

    After the healing, your oral health provider will take out the healing cap and then place a restoration. The type of restoration that you receive will be based on the original reason behind the procedure.

Comparing Full Mouth Dental Implants vs. Traditional Dentures

  • Stability – The full mouth implants give more stability compared to traditional dentures. The dentures might slip or shift while eating or talking.
  • Jawbone maintenance – The traditional dentures no longer stimulate the jawbone, which leads to bone resorption. On the other hand, implants preserve bone density.
  • Maintenance – You need to remove dentures every day for cleansing and may need modifications from time to time. However, the implants are permanent and easier to keep.

Recovery and Post-Operative Care

After the completion of the dental procedure, you must follow a strict aftercare program for at least three months. You may need to extend the aftercare period, but that will depend on the health of your gums and jawbone.

During this period, you need to practice the best possible oral hygiene and make sure you do not take part in any activities that can disrupt the healing.

If you experience irritation, swelling, or excessive bleeding, contact your oral health provider immediately. You may need to extend your aftercare period for around one week.

Maintaining Oral Health After Full Mouth Dental Implants

Here are a few tips for maintaining oral health with complete implants:

  • Prioritize immaculate oral hygiene.
  • Follow the post-operative instructions strictly.
  • Utilize cleaning tools that are implant-specific.
  • Attend the follow-up appointments regularly.
  • Follow a balanced diet.
  • Strictly avoid smoking and any tobacco products.
  • Protect against tooth grinding.

Potential Complications of Full Mouth Dental Implants

The following are some potential complications when it comes to full mouth dental implants.


It is the most common complication one can face at the implant area.

Gum recession

Sometimes, a patient may find the gum tissue around the implant starts to recede, leading to inflammation and pain.

Loose implant

In the first few weeks, the dental implant will grow and fuse with the jawbone. This process is called osseointegration.

Damage of Nerve or tissue

Sometimes, a dental surgeon accidentally places a dental implant that is too close to a nerve.

Cost Considerations and Financing Options

A lot of patients are not able to pay out of their pocket when it comes to large dental implant procedures. Due to limited insurance coverage, most of the patients search for possible financing options that will help them pay the monthly installments. 

In case you don’t know, here are a few payment options that patients often use to cover the cost of full mouth dental implants.

  • Through a personal loan, or some kind of collateral-based loan
  • Borrowing the amount from retirement savings like an IRA or 401(K)
  • Take money from Home Equity Line of Credit 
  • Taking financial help from family or a friend

Choosing the Right Dental Professional for Full Mouth Dental Implants

Full mouth dental implants are an excellent way to replace more than one missing tooth or a complete set of teeth. 

Keeping in mind the information mentioned above will help you throughout the dental implant procedure

All you need to do is do research in advance to choose the right professional for full mouth restoration

G4 by Golpa provides exceptional dental treatment at a fair price. You can get dental treatment at world-class facilities located in Las Vegas, Dallas, and Tysons.

Dental Implants History: How Have They Changed?

Dental implants are a permanent restoration of missing teeth. It is one of the few methods that don’t rely on adjacent dentition for support. This solution gives patients back their ability to talk, eat, and feel as if their teeth never fell out at all.

This craft has been attempted for as long as we know. And while some methods are just astounding today, there is evidence that the restorations may have been functional, if not permanent.

Antiquity and the first strides

The earliest dental implant we have records of was done in Ancient China. Bodies from over 4,000 years ago were found with bamboo pegs tapped into the jawbone to replace teeth. Later, about 2,000 years ago, Ancient Egyptians moved on to precious metals and even ivory.

In 1931, Wilson Popenoe and his wife found a body of a young Mayan woman from 600 AD at a site in Honduras. She had three missing incisors (front teeth) that were replaced with pieces of shell.

At first, scientists thought that the replacement was made after her death, but they later noticed that bone started to grow around the primitive implant. This wasn’t discovered until 1970 after the process of osseointegration was analyzed. It is proof that the restoration must have been functional.

Either way, the hygienic standards and methods were less ideal than today. The holes must have been dug with manual drills. Just imagine how long and painful the process must have been!

The age of experimentation

Evidence from later implantation comes from the sixteenth century. Around this time doctors would use teeth from the poor or from dead bodies to restore smiles. In the 1700s, a doctor called John Hunter would work with grave robbers to conduct such procedures, along with questionable experiments.

This allowed him to carefully analyze the human anatomy. He managed to implant a tooth to the comb on a rooster’s head (the red, fleshy part). Blood vessels grew into it, making the procedure successful.

Around this time researchers began to experiment with materials such as gold, silver, metal alloys, porcelain, and iridium. Later, in 1809, J. Maggiolo implanted a gold tube into the hollow space left behind a missing tooth. After healing, he added a crown, but the patient experienced severe inflammation.

Another attempt was made with a porcelain crown on a platinum disc in 1886, but all these procedures ended up failures. The materials were not biocompatible and thus were rejected by the bone.

Success in the 20th century

The twentieth century marks the moment dentists began experimenting with semi-successful implants. The Greenfield system of 1913 involved an iridioplatium post with a gold crown and showed signs of osseointegration (fusion to bone). It only lasted a few years, though.

The Strock brothers also made strides with vitallium, a material that is biocompatible. They are considered to be the first to place an implant successfully.

Shortly afterward came a huge breakthrough: titanium. Experiments were made with implantation into the lower legs of rabbits. After healing, it was found that the implants were very difficult to remove.

A Swedish scientist by the name of Dr. Per-Ingvar Brånemark managed to complete a successful transplant in a human in 1965. His patient died in 2006 and his implant went to the grave with him. 

Dental implantation nowadays

Since then the procedure has been perfected, but his method is still in use today. More than 7 million Brånemark System implants have been placed, and many more by different companies.

They are now made of a titanium alloy and in the shape of a screw to secure them more steadily in the bone. There is also a standard of an abutment and crown, which protect the implant from bacteria in the mouth.

The success rate of modern implants is very high, about 95%. They are often used to support bridges, even ones that stretch over entire arches. This is called the all-on-four method, in use since 1977. As the name suggests, it utilizes four implants to support a full, fixed bridge.

G4 by Mike Golpa

The G4 implant solution by Golpa is a streamlined version of the all-on-four-method. Entire arches are mounted on titanium rods and frames. The whole procedure only takes 24 hours. Prices start as low as $16,500 and everything is done in one location. 

Thousands of patients have left dr Golpa’s practice satisfied. It’s the closest a patient can get to look, feel, and function as if they had their natural teeth. Schedule a consultation today.

What’s the Difference Between Cosmetic and Aesthetic Dentistry?

Some people may have perfectly healthy teeth that happen to be slightly crooked or stained. Would fixing it be a cosmetic or an aesthetic procedure?

These adjectives seem to be thrown around often and interchangeably. And the two fields of dentistry they describe are easy to confuse. Both deal with the teeth and what a person looks like, but what is the difference, exactly?

In this article, we will understand the difference between cosmetic and aesthetic dentistry and will help you make informed decisions about your dental needs.

Aesthetic vs. cosmetic dentistry

One way that helps understand the distinction in the meaning of the two words is by looking at their etymology. Both have origins in Greek.

“Cosmetic” is derived from the word “kosmētikos”, or, something that is used to “arrange or adorn”. The word conveys a sense of decorating. It implies something that is not natural but man-made.

That is exactly what cosmetic dentistry is. It is the enhancement of the smile that can bring about an effect that does not normally occur. Such procedures do not serve to improve one’s health but solely the appearance. Examples include bleach white veneers or zirconia gems.

The word “aesthetic” derives from the Greek “aisthētikos”, which defines things that can be detected. It is best interpreted as things we “see in nature”. As regards dentistry, these procedures aim to bring about the most authentic-looking result.

They are focused on finding harmony and balance within the mouth and face, and often carry a practical use. Priority is set on fixing a problem or bringing back functionality, not what is seen in magazines.

The most popular aesthetic procedures

It would look rather unattractive to walk around with dark cavities and gum disease. That’s why most procedures at the dental office can be considered aesthetic. You can read about some popular techniques below.

Orthodontic treatment

A primitive form of orthodontics has already existed over 3,000 years ago. Since then, of course, the craft has been perfected and can be performed much more accurately and safely. It deals with changing the placement, angle, or rotation of teeth.

The following are the most common orthodontic issues:

  • crooked teeth,
  • teeth that do not fit together correctly,
  • an overbite, sometimes called “buck teeth”,
  • an underbite,
  • a crossbite,
  • an open bite (spacing between teeth when the molars are touching),
  • a misplaced midline (asymmetry of the upper and lower incisors),
  • spacing, and
  • crowding.

These can pose bigger challenges than a less-than-desirable appearance. When teeth are not placed optimally they create spaces that are harder to clean. This often leads to cavities and gum disease. Moreover, when they press against each other the patient may experience headaches, TMJ, as well as shoulder, neck, and back pain.

How does orthodontics work? Force is applied to teeth in a controlled manner in order to achieve carefully planned results. There are different methods, the most popular of which are traditional braces and clear aligners.

Crowns & bridges

Crowns are caps mounted on the remainder of the tooth or a dental implant. The reasons for getting one include covering other treatment (such as a root canal), supporting a weakened tooth, or simply improving aesthetics.

The practical functions of crowns include:

  • structural support,
  • keeping other teeth from shifting,
  • bone absorption, and
  • simplifying dental hygiene.

They are one of the most durable restorative options when natural dentition is damaged. On the downside, though, crowns are quite expensive, time-consuming, and complicated to place. 

When a tooth is missing caps can be used to support a dental bridge. Two or more are bonded together over a gap, restoring the bite. Entire arches can be replaced with bridges to give patients back the functions of eating, talking, and smiling normally.


Dental implants are artificial (usually titanium or zirconia) rods surgically mounted in the jawbone. They help prevent bone retention in addition to replacing missing teeth and restoring their function.

This is one of the most expensive procedures at the dental office. The process can also take a long time. If there is not enough bone to support the implant in the first place, you might need grafting. This can include months of healing.

But that is the price for the most durable solution for tooth replacement out there. Implants last for up to thirty years and may be treated by the patient as if they were their natural teeth. This means no diet, special cleaning products, or adjustments.

Moreover, dental implants can be more than just replacement of a single tooth. They can support partial or full bridges, or even entire dentures. This all depends on whether the patient is a candidate, of course.

A popular technique is the All-On-Four method. It involves supporting a full arch on four rods. It has been around since the 1970s, and provides the patient with complete flexibility. Depending on how your schedule is, you can even have the whole procedure performed in 24 hours.

The G4 solution by Golpa is an improvement on the Ao4. It’s a permanent restoration on four titanium rods, all in one day. You can have one or both arches done and they are fully customized to suit your appearance. Dr Golpa’s practice has accumulated the most experienced surgeons and there are thousands of satisfied customers.

Which treatment should you choose between aesthetic vs. cosmetic dentistry?

Both fields of dentistry, cosmetic and aesthetic, offer a wide spectrum of treatments. In this article we have only touched the surface. The question is, what is most important to you? What are your dental issues? How would you like to fix them?

In the case of multiple missing teeth, badly damaged dentition, or discomfort from wearing a denture, the G4 implants may be the perfect choice. They are a sturdy, durable solution for the entire mouth. All this in twenty four hours, in one location. Prices start at $16,500. Schedule a consultation today to find out more.

Which Are Better Dental Veneers or Dental Implants?

Dental implants are the answer in terms of aesthetics, as well as missing teeth. Veneers may not target the latter problem, but sometimes they are still the way to go. They are the less invasive option.

We have broken down the pros and cons of both solutions. The information below will hopefully help you in making the right decision.

Explore the factors that determine “which are better, dental veneers or dental implants” and find the optimal solution for your unique dental needs.

Dental Veneers

Veneers are tooth lining that can cover imperfect-looking dentition. There are three main types; resin, porcelain, and Lumineers.

Resin ones are the cheapest, but don’t look as natural and aren’t as durable as the other two. Porcelain ones are the most popular choice, and, just like Lumineers, they can last around twenty years.

Dental veneers are not meant as a medical fix; this procedure is cosmetic. If you have problems more concerning than the appearance of your teeth, your dentist might suggest implants.

Dental Implants

Dental implants are usually chosen when there are missing teeth or if the teeth are damaged beyond repair. They are artificial roots attached directly to the bone. Crowns in the chosen shape and color can be mounted on them.

Implants target many side issues, such as bone loss. If certain teeth are weaker than others you might avoid using them to break down food. This leads to bone resorption. Veneers won’t fix this issue.

If you have implants each bite will make the rod in the jaw put pressure on the bone. This stimulates it and prevents the body from thinking it is vestigial (not needed). Bone loss can make you look older, as the face sinks inwards.

Implants are a permanent solution, which means you will never have to repeat this procedure.

How do dental veneers or implants compare?

Both veneers and implants are popular solutions. The chances are you have probably heard about both treatments before finding this article. But which choice is right for you?

The reasons and conditions

In order to be a good candidate for veneers, you need to have generally good oral health. A good amount of healthy enamel needs to be present so that your dentist will be able to shave it down. Consider getting veneers if your teeth are:

  • crooked,
  • stained,
  • cracked, 
  • chipped, 
  • broken,
  • gapped,
  • worn down,
  • misaligned, 
  • uneven, or
  • irregular in shape.

Implants can fix the issues above just as well. Almost anyone might be a candidate, even those suffering from autoimmune diseases, such as diabetes. You might also consider implants if your teeth are:

  • missing,
  • damaged beyond repair, or
  • healthy, but you are willing to remove them.

Dentists will generally advise you against pulling out healthy teeth, but this might be a good idea if you are thinking about getting a full arch. The All-On-4 and the G4 by Golpa are such solutions.


The price you pay is a big factor in making the decision between implants and veneers. The final cost is highly dependent on the location and experience of the dental professional performing the job.

  • $1,500 per tooth
  • $24,000 full set
  • $4,800 per tooth
  • $29,500 full set

The prices above are based on research from numerous sources. They don’t include additional procedures such as X-rays.

The price for a full set of veneers takes sixteen (eight per arch) teeth into account. The price for a full set of implants assumes two fixed bridges, each on four implants (the G4 by Golpa).

Implants might seem expensive at first glance. It is important to remember, however, that they are a permanent solution. Veneers have to be replaced once every fifteen years (on average), depending on the type you get.

Both veneers and implants are pretty low maintenance once they are placed. You shouldn’t spend more caring for them than you would for natural teeth. It will still be important, however, to visit your dentist regularly!

Dental Veneers Procedure

Since veneers don’t require surgery, they can be installed in your mouth in as little as two appointments (if you are strategic about the schedule).

  • Initial visit

    The dentist can inspect your mouth, do all necessary X-rays, and shave your teeth down in one day. He or she will also take an impression of your mouth.

  • Fitting the veneers

    You can wear temporaries between these two appointments. By the next time you go into the office, your veneers will have returned from the lab. They will be fitted in your mouth.

  • Post consultation

    You might need a third appointment to check if everything is okay.

Dental Implant placement is a more complicated process. You have to take into account healing time, which can take a few months.

  • Initial visit

    You will meet for an initial consultation with X-rays. A treatment plan will be set up.

  • Bone grafting

    You might need bone grafting. It can take a couple of months to heal fully from this procedure.

  • Implant placement

    The dentist will drill into your bone and insert titanium rods. You will be sedated during this time.

  • Healing collar and abutment

    After that, you will have a healing collar (for up to two weeks) and then the abutment (for up to six weeks).

  • Crown placement

    The final step is placing the crown. The exact shape and color will be determined beforehand.

If you need a whole arch replaced you might want to consider the G4 by Golpa. All the steps described below are conducted within twenty-four hours.

  • Initial procedures

    On the first day, you will have your CT scans, facial scans, and X-rays.

  • Consultation

    All necessary measurements will be made and tooth shade and shape can be selected. You can discuss everything with the doctors.

  • Surgery

    On day two you will undergo all extractions (if they are necessary) and the placement of dental implants. You will be without teeth overnight. Your smile will be fully restored within twenty-four hours.


Implants and veneers can give a similar appearance after they’re done. If done well, it shouldn’t be noticeable that your dentition is not natural.

Veneers work on your existing roots, so they are more correctional. When it comes to implants the placement of the root and the shape can be decided from scratch. This solution might turn out more customizable.

It’s important to remember, though, that implants, being a surgical procedure, are dependant on the structure of your face. The dentist will have to take into account your sinuses (hollow spaces in your skull) and how thick your jaw is.


Both procedures are irreversible, which means durability is very important. While implants are a life-long solution, veneers will have to be replaced at some point.

Implants can stay in your mouth from around thirty years up to the rest of your life. The rate of failure is very low, around 5%.

Depending, of course, on what type you get, veneers aren’t mean to last for more than twenty years. This means you will have to be ready to spend that money again when the time comes.

What’s more, veneers are prone to cracking and chipping. Porcelain ones are less likely to break, but if they do they will probably have to be replaced. Resin veneers might stain and you will not be able to whiten them from home.

Both veneers and implants require proper care. If you don’t brush your teeth, floss, or keep up with your dental appointments you can end up just out the money. Worse, because your teeth will be either extracted or shaved down.

What should you choose between Dental Veneers vs Implants?

When making the final decision factors such as what exactly you are trying to fix, how many teeth are to be treated, or whether you want a full smile are going to be vital. Here is a summary of the most important pros:

  • Not a surgical procedure
  • Can be ready in a few weeks
  • Cheaper initially
  • Permanent solution
  • Shouldn’t break or chip
  • Cheaper in the long run
  • Prone to damage
  • Alternative methods only take 24 hours

If you decide that implants are your best bet you can consider the G4 by Golpa. It will provide you with a full set of implants in twenty-four hours.

There is only one payment, and all additional procedures are included. Schedule a consultation today!

How Much Do Dental Veneers Cost?

Veneers are a surefire way to cover up stained or crooked teeth. You have to be prepared, though, that a single tooth can set you back up to $1,800! And they might not last forever

The price is dependent on the state of your mouth and your location, but there are also universal factors. So which veneers make the most sense?

In this blog, we will discuss the costs about, how much do dental veneers cost and find the optimal choice for your radiant smile.

What is the cost per tooth for dental veneers?

Dental Veneers are great for discoloration and uneven teeth. Some materials address one issue better than the other. There are two main types, here’s how they compare:

  • $800 per tooth
  • Quite thin, little of the tooth has to be shaved down
  • Last 5-7 years
  • Can look fake
  • Can stain, you cannot whiten them at home
  • If they break, you can fix them easily at a small cost
  • $1,500 per tooth
  • Thick, a lot of the tooth has to be shaved down
  • Last up to 20 years
  • Very close to natural dentition, easy to match color
  • Stain-resistant
  • Very expensive to fix, you will probably need new ones

The table above represents average prices for a single tooth. You may be able to get a better deal if you’re going for more than one.

It is hard to say which type has the best price. It all depends on what you’re looking for: appearance, durability, or affordability.

What influences the dental veneers cost?

You may be thinking that prices you heard from your dentist are lower (or maybe higher) than what we have here. The prices above are based on solid research, but they are averages.

But there are numerous factors that can impact the price. The biggest one is the location, as costs can be very different from state to state. What’s more, you might even end up paying a different amount than your friend, whose dentist works in the same office.

It is also important to note that we provided numbers prior to any deductions; insurance, dental plans, or any others. It is up to your provider what they will cover, and up to your dentist what additional procedures you might need.

The total dental veneers cost includes more than just the placement

The prices above are not the only thing coming out of your wallet. There are some extra costs that you will have to take into account.

Oral examination

In order to get veneers at all, you are going to have to consult with your dentist. This means setting up an appointment with him or her to discuss your options. During this appointment, you will find out if you are a good candidate for this procedure.

X-rays and diagnostic molds

You will need at least one X-ray. The dentist needs to inspect the structure of your teeth and the surrounding tissues. Most likely this will be a whole-mouth radiograph.

Also a diagnostic cast might be made. This is a working model of what your mouth will look like after placement.

Dental cleaning

A prophy, or, dental cleaning, will most likely be necessary shortly before getting veneers. This will make sure there is no food debris or plaque on your teeth, as to avoid problems underneath veneers in the future.

Most likely you will be billed separately for all these procedures. What’s more, after getting veneers you must make sure to clean them and visit your dentist regularly. If they break or chip you have to address the issue fast before damage is done to the tooth underneath.

Does dental insurance cover dental veneers?

Insurance rarely covers dental veneers, as this is considered a cosmetic procedure. It is hard to convince policy providers to reimburse you for anything not “medically necessary”.

Even if you succeed, veneer placement and the associated costs are quite high. You are going to reach your limit very quickly. And there are still routine procedures you should be having throughout the year.

What’s more, veneers are not permanent, so there is a chance that you will have to redo them at some point. There are other solutions, like implants, which are considered the most permanent solution in restorative dentistry.

Do affordable dental veneers exist?

If you have missing teeth or need a whole arch replaced veneers might not be the best choice. A full set of veneers would set you back a lot. You may have heard of clip-on veneers, but they are nowhere near as comfortable.

Instead, consider the G4 by Golpa. It provides you with a full set of implants in twenty-four hours. There is only one payment, with no additional costs. Insurance might cover a portion of the price, especially if you are missing teeth.

The G4 is a permanent solution, which means never having to redo it. Contact us today!

When is it a good idea to get veneers?

Veneers are small pieces of lining placed on top of natural, shaved-down teeth. Upon hearing this, you may ask yourself “Do veneers ruin your teeth?”. The answer is: yes and no.

The tooth underneath remains alive and healthy. But a significant part of it does have to be filed down. And for the two most common types of veneers, composite and porcelain, the process is irreversible.

How do veneers work?

Veneers are generally a cosmetic procedure. They are recommended for teeth that are: 

  • discolored,
  • chipped,
  • worn-down,
  • misaligned,
  • crooked,
  • irregularly shaped,
  • affected by decay or disease,
  • or injured in an accident.

There is no healing, as the procedure is non-surgical. You may get away with only visiting the dentist twice throughout the process. What’s more, you won’t have to go into the office more often than you did before getting them.

You are a good candidate if you don’t have missing teeth (in the place you want veneers), severe periodontal disease, or significant decay. There is a condition, though: your enamel needs to be healthy enough to support them. 

What can you expect during the veneers process?

The process can turn out lengthier than you’d expect. It can take up to four weeks for the dentist to get veneers back from the lab alone. If you strategically plan out your visits with your dentist, the whole process can take about two months.

  • First dental visit

    During this visit, the dentist will check the overall condition of your mouth. He or she will judge whether you are a good candidate for veneers.

  • Prophy

    You might need a dental cleaning before getting veneers. Remember, they are stuck to your natural teeth, so you cannot have any plaque or food debris in your mouth.

  • Diagnostic wax-up/x-rays

    Once you establish a plan of action with your dentist you will have your X-rays. A diagnostic wax-up might be made. It is a model of how your mouth will work after the procedure is complete.

  • Preparation

    About half a millimeter of your tooth will be shaved down. An impression will be taken and sent off to the lab. You will have to wear temporaries before the next visit.

  • Placement

    Once the veneers return from the lab your teeth will be cleaned and roughened, to make attachment easier. A special cement will be placed on your teeth. Ultraviolet light will help it harden quickly for a permanent attachment.

  • Checkup

    You might have another visit with your dentist a couple of weeks later. He or she will check if the veneers are fixed to your teeth properly and whether there are no other problems.

This overview may give you a general idea. Your dentist might decide that some extra steps need to be taken, or that some stages have to be stretched out over several appointments.

What types of veneers are there?

Generally, they can be composite (made of resin) or porcelain. There is another option, a less invasive one, called Lumineers.

Some materials are more durable than others. For some, it is the appearance that is most important. There are different options, depending on what you are looking for. So, what’s the difference?


Composite veneers can be built directly on your tooth or (indirectly) in a lab. The latter take longer to install in your mouth.

In comparison with porcelain veneers, resin looks less natural and is less durable. This material stains similarly to your natural teeth and can’t be whitened).

On the plus side, composite veneers can be made very thin. This means removing less of your natural tooth’s enamel. They are also easy to fix if they were to crack or chip.


Porcelain is the way to go if what you’re looking for is appearance. Such veneers provide a look very close to natural teeth. What’s more, porcelain is stain-resistant, which means never having to worry about whitening.

These are also more durable than resin, however, if they crack or chip it is very expensive to repair them. They might even need to be replaced.


Lumineers are the only type that is reversible. They are the thinnest (about 0.2mm), which allows for shaving down a very small amount of the tooth. Their durability is comparable to that of porcelain.

The translucent quality works great to mimic enamel. The application process is pain-free and there is no need to wear temporaries. As with other types of veneers, they can be an alternative to whitening and light orthodontic treatment.

How long do veneers last?

Veneers, unlike implants, for example, are not designed to be a life-long fix free of maintenance. You can expect porcelain veneers to last around twenty years, while composite ones last around seven.

This is true, of course, provided that you take proper care of them. Generally, you should

  • keep up good overall oral hygiene,
  • address teeth-grinding, if that is an issue,
  • not use teeth as tools, for example, to open letters,
  • steer clear of coffee, wine, or tea,
  • not smoke tobacco,
  • and wear oral protection during sports and similar activities.

Veneers are prone to damage, as are the living teeth underneath. It is important to visit the dentist regularly after having them installed.

Pros and cons of veneers 

Like with anything, there are pros and cons to veneers. They are great if you want to address cosmetic issues, however, this is only an option if your teeth are generally healthy. The cost of veneers is also something to consider.

  • Allow you to keep your natural tooth
  • Improve the appearance of your smile
  • Procedure is non-surgical
  • Low-maintenance, like natural teeth
  • Easy and pain-free to install
  • You must have healthy enamel
  • Teeth must be shaved down
  • Relatively expensive
  • Prone to damage
  • Won’t replace missing teeth
  • Won’t fix bone loss or receding gums
  • Most options are irreversible

If done well, veneers can look really great. They are not an option, however, if your teeth are damaged or missing.

Should I get veneers?

Veneers are a great solution for those with discolored or crooked teeth. But are they the best choice? There are problems that they cannot solve, such as missing teeth or bone loss.

What’s more, this solution is not life-long. They have to be replaced every few years, despite being relatively expensive. 

Veneers can work if you want to fix up a single tooth. If you want to get a whole arch replaced, or if you are missing teeth, it is worth checking out the G4 by Golpa. You could have a full set of teeth in twenty-four hours!
It is a permanent solution for a beautiful smile. More often than not the G4 turns out more affordable in the long run. Schedule a consultation today.

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