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Dental Implants Care- Maintenance Tips and Best Practices

A dental implant is a treatment that can help you feel confident as it improves your tooth structure and overall smile. And it is no secret that meeting people with a beautiful smile is more likely to leave a lasting impression. 

However, if you want to have a ravishing smile and reap the maximum benefits of dental implants, you must ensure you follow the best practices to take care of your dental implant so it lasts for years. 

Dental implants care and maintenance start from the minute you get the implants and walk out of the dentist’s office.

Read on to know everything about dental implant maintenance tips and best practices.

Understanding Dental Implants and Their Structure 

Dental implants are a safe and permanent solution for failing or missing teeth. Deciding to improve the structure and appearance of your teeth with dental implants could be a life-changing event.

For speaking, chewing and eating the food you love, and even how you feel about your appearance, it’s clear that teeth are extremely important. 

People usually take their teeth for granted and never appreciate all they do until they start to cause problems. However, in this situation, dental implants are the exact solution you need.

The treatment may seem like a complicated and challenging process for a patient, but it is worth all the hassles. 

Before you opt for it, you must understand the structure of dental implants. It consist of the following three parts:

  • The Implant

    This part is a high-quality titanium screw anchored into the jaw bone. The implant acts as a replacement root for the tooth.

  • The Abutment

    It is another piece of metal fixed on top of the implant. Thus providing a base to attach the final restoration.

  • Denture/Crown/Other Restoration

    This part may cover one or more missing teeth. Sometimes, it gets support from multiple implants. These include bridges, crowns, and partial or full dentures.

Dental Implants Care – Initial Dos and Don’ts 

After the dental implant surgery, you must keep in mind the following dos and don’ts after implant surgery.

1. Bite on the sponges placed in your mouth to control bleeding.

2. After the surgery, avoid moving around too much and keep the head elevated for the first 8 to 12 hours.

3. When required, you must hold an ice pack to your face at intervals of 15 minutes.

4. Only have beverages and soft foods for the first 24 hours.

5. Take all the prescribed medications on time.

6. Do not rinse your mouth for the first 24 hours.

7. Do not drive yourself home after the procedure.

Daily Oral Hygiene Practices for Dental Implants Care 

Here are the daily oral hygiene practices that you must strictly follow:

Brushing Your Teeth

One of the best ways to maintain your dental implants is by brushing teeth properly. It is advisable to brush your teeth twice a day, and do not forget to use a soft-bristled toothbrush. Using toothpaste particularly formulated for implants is also a crucial part of dental implant care.


Flossing is important for removing food particles and plaque from between the teeth and around the dental implants. You should use a floss threader or any similar thing designed for the implants. It will make flossing easier and more effective.

Rinsing Mouth

Rinsing your mouth after having meals is one of the most effective ways to improve oral hygiene for dental implants. It helps you get rid of the food particles that are often left behind after eating and promotes the growth of bacteria. Try to use an antiseptic mouthwash particularly formulated for dental implants. 

Regular Visits to the Dentist

Routine dental checkups and proper cleanings are important for maintaining exceptional oral health and keeping the dental implants in the best possible condition. The dentist will look for any signs of damage and also remove tartar buildup.

What Foods You Should Avoid After Dental Implants

Here is a list of foods that you must avoid after getting a dental implant:

#1. Crunchy or hard foods like popcorn, nuts, raw vegetables, and fruits.

#2. Sticky foods like taffy, caramel, and chewing gum.

#3. Any spicy foods that can cause inflammation and irritation.

#4. Foods that are high in sugar, like pastries, candy, and soda. These can increase the risk of implant failure and even infection.

#5. Foods that contain acid, like citrus fruits, vinegar, and tomatoes. So, avoiding such food is one of the important post-surgery care tips.

#6. Alcohol can slow your healing after the surgery and also increase the chances of infection.

#7. Any kind of tough food that needs a lot of chewing, like hard loaves of bread or steak

Possible Complications After Dental Implant Surgery 

Here are some complications that patients may experience.

Peri-implantitis – It is a kind of gum disease that can damage the tissue around the implant. This will lead to bone loss. The symptoms include swelling, bleeding, and redness around the area. The dentist may prescribe antibiotics to treat peri-implantitis. Deep cleaning of the area and surgery are also part of the treatment.

Loose implant – If your implant gets loose, it may be because of a loose abutment screw. Contact your dental surgeon immediately for a thorough checkup and treatment options.

Broken restoration – The bridge, crown, or denture attached to your implant may crack, break, or become loose over time. Physical trauma or normal wear and tear could be the reason behind it. Depending on how much damage is present, your dentist can recommend repair or replacement.

Gum recession – It can occur around the implant and promote the growth of bacteria, leading to implant failure. The dental surgeon may recommend gum grafting surgery.

Avoid Harmful Habits That Can Affect Implant Health 

Here are some harmful habits that pose a serious threat when it comes to dental implants care. You must avoid them at any cost to ensure the implants last longer. 

1. Overlooking the Oral Care Regime

You may brush your teeth twice a day, but you also need to floss as well. Gum disease is the most common reason for implant failure. Flossing can remove particles that are stuck between the teeth because your toothbrush can only remove plaque and bacteria from the surface of the teeth.

2.  Smoking 

Smoking is one of the bad habits affecting implant health. It slows down the natural healing process, increasing the chances of infection and oral cancer. According to various surveys and research, people who smoke are more likely to lose dental implants compared to non-smokers.

3. Consuming Sugary Foods in Excess

Do not overindulge in sugary snacks, as they feed the bacteria in your mouth. This will sooner or later develop into gum disease, which can cause the dental implant to fail.

4. Grinding on Hard Objects

Dental implants are perfect for biting and eating different meals, but they are not suitable for chewing on hard objects like pen caps, fingernails, or popcorn kernels. It can chip the restoration and cause harm to the jawbone that supports your implant.

5. Using Your Teeth as Tools

People with dental implants often use their teeth to open containers, packages, and bottles. The pressure on your teeth when biting such products reduces the strength of the dental implant and can damage the jawbone.

6. Postponing Dental Checkups

After the dental implants, you should visit your dentist twice a year for routine cleanings and a thorough examination. This is how you can prevent numerous oral health disorders that can affect your dental implant.

7. Biting Ice Chips

During the summer, biting a few ice cubes may seem like a good idea to beat the heat, but the dentists strongly disagree. It is extremely hazardous to your natural teeth as well as dental replacements. When you bite ice chips, they usually break, but sometimes ice can damage the tooth enamel or a dental restoration.

Advanced Care- Professional Cleanings and Check-Ups 

Going for regular checkups is a crucial part of dental implants care. It will make sure you and your dentist are aware of any possible signs of implant issues. So, for a few months after implant placement, you can expect that your dentist will ask to visit frequently to monitor the overall healing process. 

The entire recovery can take up to several months. If a bone graft is performed, the process will take even more time; it could be up to a year. When you are sufficiently healed, you can visit your orthodontist twice a year.

During the professional dental cleaning, your dentists will look for symptoms of peri-implantitis or peri-implant mucositis. These are two gum diseases related to implants. During cleaning, the dentists use special tools to ensure maximum cleanliness and take precautions to avoid any possible damage.

Select Professional Dentist for Your Dental Implant Now

Taking care of your dental implants doesn’t have to be a challenging task. 

All you need to do is follow the right lifestyle choices for implant care and the maintenance tips mentioned above. This is how you can make sure that your teeth last for years and that your oral health is up to par. 

If you are looking for effective dental implant treatment and aftercare, contact G4 by Golpa. Our world-class dental implant centers are located in Las Vegas, Dallas, and Tysons.

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